Friday, February 20, 2015

Nutritionist Dietician

       Usually when you find out that you have diabetes it comes as a shock because you never know you have diabetes until you get tested. But when you do get diabetes Type 1 or Type 2 it is extremely important that you take it very serious and follow the steps to controlling it. Now when you are told that you have Type 2 diabetes you must take action to understanding what Type 2 really is. Type 2 diabetes is a disease where your blood sugar (glucose) levels go higher than normal, this happens because in your body you have an organ called a pancreas that breaks down these sugars that you get from food so that your body can you as energy, but what happens is that when your pancreas makes a substance called insulin your body isn't able to use it properly and then over time your boy isn't able to keep up with the insulin that your body is making which causes your blood sugar levels to go above normal levels.

       So now that you have found out that you have Type 2 diabetes now your life has changed. Now its all about eating right, exercising, and taking medication. You should take an approach in controlling diabetes by eating right, for example carbohydrates can affect your blood sugar levels and it is best that you watch the amount of carbs you eat. Try going for slow-release carbs because they keep your blood sugar levels even because they tend to digest slowly that way your body can keep up and break it down. Another way to handle Type 2 diabetes I try eating lots of vegetables like squash, also go for  more fruits like bananas apples and oranges. When controlling diabetes it's best to stay active and exercise daily moderate-intensity physical activity is a good way to control diabetes because experts recommend that at least 30 minutes of physical activity such as mowing the lawn or walking briskly can ensure that you can maintain diabetes.

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